The First $100k is the hardest

I began tracking my net worth around the time I started residency in 2016 with around 20k. I had some money in a Roth IRA my dad started as a kid and started putting a few hundred dollars monthly into my residency 401k. I made around 60-70k during those years.

I began working as an attending in 2020.

Income 2020: 166k
Income 2021: (married, now including wife’s income): 409k
Income 2022: somewhere around 600k

Net Worth Tracking

Months to 100k: 38

Months to 200k: 15

Months to 300k: 9

Months to 600k: 3

Ok things don’t actually happen that fast with just compound interest. We have had a couple of windfalls since making an attending income. I got married and added my wife’s finances who already had a solid 401k from working the past few years. We also decided to sell our house last year and have been living rent free with family while we build a new house which added in another 100k into our brokerage account. I will say one of the biggest benefits of selling a primary home for a profit is there are no taxes on the first 500k in gains (250k if single) after living it for two years.

The market pullback currently in 2022 has not been nice to our portfolio despite putting in well over 100k in investments and dipped back below 600k. But we plan to plow ahead…buy the dip