October 2022 Update

Here is a spending update for this month.

Thankfully was a low spending month for us, I was working a lot of extra shifts which means little time for play and spending. I’m upping my federal tax contributions so my paychecks were down a bit. I need to make sure I hit the safe harbor rule (110% of federal tax owed in the previous year) to make sure I don’t end up with a federal tax penalty. We way underpaid last year but were protected by the safe harbor rule so planning for the same today. I’m also helping with some home care expenses for my mom which I’ve included.

We are in transition with building a new house and moving out of state so we are hoarding a lot of extra cash to cover these expenses. This will make are spending super variable over the next several months until we get settled.

Thankfully we had a good month in the market so we are up about $45k. Hope things will keep looking up for the rest of the year!

-Dr. AMJ