November 2022 Update

Another solid month of paying down debt and investing. We made a property tax payment so my credit card bill was a bit bigger this month. I would like to eventually break down my expenses into a budget/categories but with building a house and being in transition, our expenses are so variable, I will probably wait until our house is built and we are settled in.

The market continues to trend up. See my personal capital below. I’ve invested now over 200k and I’m down 3k. Ouch! But buying the dip is starting to look like it will pay off. I’m mainly invested in growth index funds which have taken a beating this year. I’m dabbling a little bit with some crypto dip buying as well which is clearly very speculative at this point but maybe there will be a bounce at some point :).

I also added in my student loans to personal capital, unfortunately it doesn’t back date so its just a straight line but here it is for now.

Continuing to make progress towards the end of the year. We will have some major expenses with our new house over the next few months but I’m continuing to save and invest!

Until next month!